What must I do to receive the love & forgiveness of God & spend eternity in Heaven?

First of all, we must acknowledge that we are not perfect and we have made some missteps along the way.  As a result, we are in need of some "divine" help to connect or reconnect us to God. Jesus, the Son of God, is all the help we need to reach God who desires to be in relationship with us. No matter what you have done or where you come from, God wants an intimate relationship with you and will receive you as one of his children by accepting his love that we did not necessarily earn.

This special love is channeled through a personal invitation which ultimately results in spending eternity in his presence. If you desire to accept this invitation, pray this prayer and believe as you pray:

"Lord, I come before you just as I am. I have not done everything right and I  have participated in wrong over the course of my life. I am sorry, for all that I have said or done that has not pleased you.   I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I believe he arose again. My heart is open- Jesus come now into my heart, deliver and save my soul. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and lead my life. I  am now in the family of God, I am saved and I am born again spiritually in Jesus' name. Amen!"